Ellen Søhol Lie

Name: Ellen Søhol Lie
Hometown: Lillehammer
Home Australian Mountain: Falls Creek
Australian Club / Team: AUSXC
International Club / Team: Heming
Year of Birth: 1994
When did you begin XC Skiing: I skied from your age (6 years old) until I was 16, then I decided to quit but at an age of 24 I actually started skiing and I was a complete noob.
Why I love competing in XC Skiing: I love the challenge of putting all hard work and training together to perform my best at races. The feeling of a really really good race is priceless and I work towards that the whole season.
Favourite race style / distance: 10km classic
Career highlights / best results:
  • 29th 10km classic Norwegian Cup
  • 29th sprint classic Norwegian cup
  • 37th 15km duathlon world champs
Training advice: Have a good plan! A goal without a plan is just a dream. Be curious on what other athletes do, trust your own work and training, but most of all have fun sloths way!
Social Media Links: Instagram: @ellenslie