2024 Snow Australia Futures

15 July

Event recap

20-21 July

Event Recap

12-13 August

EVEnt recap

12-13 August

Event recap

9-10 September

Registration is now full!

19 & 20 September

Snowboard Registration Now Open

Freeski Registration Now Open

Snow Australia FUTURES has a vision to inspire the next generation of Snowsport competitors by offering unique opportunities for participants to engage with High-Performance athletes, staff, and facilities.

Snow Australia FUTURES programs may aim to:

  • Introduce participants to unique sporting opportunities and expert Snowsport athletes and coaches. 
  • Engage National Team athletes and programs in pathway development initiatives.
  • Encourage participation in domestic ski and snowboard events.
  • Facilitate interactions between competitive Snowsport participants within the national cohort.
  • Introduce participants to elements of high-performance sport and practices.  
  • Provide education on the Snow Australia FTEM athlete pathway and the various opportunities, resources and programs available to Australian Snowsport participants.
  • Connect areas of the athlete pathway between interschools participation, Snow Australia pathway providers and ETP.


Nathan de Kretser – Snow Australia Sport Development Officer – ndekretser@snow.org.au

Johnny Lipzker – Snow Australia Program Operations and Sport Development Coordinator – jlipzker@snow.org.au


Webinar 1:  Intro to the Athlete Pathway Community Forum

My Pathway & Intro to FUTURES - Johnny Lipzker, Sport Development Coordinator 
Into to the Athlete Pathway - Rebecca Clark, Alpine and Pathways Coordinator 
Panel discussion - Snow Australia National Team Coaches 

Webinar 2:  Mental Preparation & Planning

Goalsetting and IPPs - Annie Geiger, Snow Australia Para-sports Manager
Social Media & Sport - Lauren Ryan, Beyond the Break Consulting
Q & A Session - Adam Lambert, Olympic SBX Athlete

IPP Document

Webinar 3:  Physical Preparation & Performance

Nutrition, Supplements & Sport - Rebecca Hall, Sports Dietitian, OWIA
Acrobatics & Fundamental Movement Skills - Anthony Khoury, East Gymnastics
Q & A Session - Britt Cox and Sami Kennedy-Sim, Olympic Mogul and Ski X Athletes

Webinar 4: Para-Snowsports

Intro to Para-Snowsports disciplines - Par Sundqvist & Ryan Pearl, Snow Australia Coaches
Classification processes - Leanne Rees, National & International Classifier
Q & A Session - Ben Tudhope & Mitch Gourley, Paralympic A