Coach Accreditation

Snow Australia’s Coaching Level 1 Fundamentals Accreditation consists of e-Learning courses and practical workshops designed for instructors, ex-athletes, and other prospective winter sport coaches beginning their coaching journey.

The accreditation process has four main steps:



Complete Snow Australia Coach Fundamentals e-Learning on the Snow Academy

Introduction to Coaching


Alpine / Freestyle / Snowboard


Complete other Coach e-Learning

ASC Community Coach Essential Skills

SIA Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport Induction

SIA Anti-Doping Fundamentals

SIA Coaches Course


Complete Snow Australia's Practical Coach Workshops

Discipline-specific Practical Coaching Workshops are conducted periodically. As they become available, the dates and locations of practical workshops will be communicated to all registered coaches.


Complete Practical Coach Experience

20 hours practical coaching

 10 hours shadow coaching

Download the Coaching Experience Log and Guidelines. Coaching hours can include any on-snow or dryland coaching of snowsports athletes.


Prerequisites and Recognition of Prior Learning 


For the Alpine, Freestyle and Snowboard disciplines, APSI Instructor qualifications are a prerequisite.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Candidates may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for some or all components of the Snow Australia Fundamentals course if they are able to supply sufficient evidence of the relevant required competencies.


Memberships / Qualifications

In addition, accredited Snow Australia coaches must be current financial members of Snow Australia, Working With Children Check, and have First Aid qualifications. 



How to Complete Online Coaching Accreditation Courses

The online coaching courses that make up the coach accreditation process can be completed on the Snow Academy, Snow Australia's educational hub.

You can complete the following courses on the Snow Academy:

  • Introduction to Coaching
  • Discipline Modules - Alpine / Snowboard / Freestyle
  • ASC Community Coach Essential Skills
  • SIA Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport Induction

The Anti-Doping Fundamentals and Coaches Course need to be completed through the Sport Integrity Australia e-Learning website, however, you will be able to upload course completion certificates can be uploaded in the Snow Academy for the accreditation process. 

You can access the Snow Academy through your Snow Australia membership login. You will need to have a current financial Snow Australia Membership to access the coaching courses on the Snow Academy.


1. Active SnowID

Make sure you have an active SnowID (Snow Australia Membership) for 2024.

Join or Renew with Snow Australia

2. Login

Log into your Snow Australia account via the Member Login at the top of the website or via the top menu if on a mobile.

3. Access Snow Academy

Once logged in you should see the Snow Academy button. Simply click this to be taken to your Snow Academy account.



For any enquires on Coach Accreditation email