2024 National Careers Week | Seve de Campo

Published Mon 13 May 2024

This week marks the annual National Careers Week. Snow Australia is joining in the celebrations by asking members of our community to share their story on their career paths and balancing sport

Beijing 2022 Olympian Seve de Campo has recently completed six years of studying a double degree in Bachelor of Commerce and Engineering while balancing his career as an elite cross country skier and is now embarking on finding a role in his chosen field. 

Sharing some of his tips and tricks, with our community de Campo said time management has been a crucial element to keeping on track. 

“As an athlete there is always planning involved, each day is structured and I'm constantly looking to improve the tools I use to manage tasks and be productive,” said de Campo. 

“I'm a big diary and notebook person, I use something to write down all the tasks I need to get done in the day and week, I'll often have my main tasks for the day in order of priority and if it's a good day, I'll have crossed off a few of them. I also have a big excel spreadsheet that helps me plan my year.” 

Building a strong support network with friends, family and coaches has helped de Campo stay motivated and committed to achieving his goals, both in sport and his career development. 

“They are there when things go well but more importantly they are there when things don't go well,” said de Campo. 

“I actually was on the phone today with dad about a job application that was unsuccessful. Everyone has heard that failing is super important, but it's not easy to fail and it's made all the better with good support from family.

“My coach is very supportive of career aspirations outside of sport, through many conversations he knows that's important for me. While he offers his thoughts where necessary it's more about understanding and just taking a greater perspective sometimes into decisions about training periodisation. 

“Open conversation is super important and it's always worth making the effort to engage in these chats that are about more than training plans and at the end of the day with my coach these chats all contribute towards a stronger shared drive towards a goal.”

Balance can look like many different things for different people, de Campo explained that recognising a suitable pace has been beneficial. 

“Keeping career ambitions sustainable and realistic can be challenging,,” he said. “I try to commit to what I feel is possible alongside training and competition.” 

“Training to be one of the best skiers in the world often means that goal takes priority at the moment. There are times during the year where this is more demanding,. I try to allow myself the chance to just let go of the feeling of continual admin, uni and work from time -to -time. 

“For me it's important to make the effort to give myself a break, both from training and my other commitments. I say "‘make the effort"’ because this means be efficient when I need to be, and allow a full break when I have set aside time for it. 

While the balancing act can be at times difficult and take concerted effort, the benefits for wellbeing have been immeasurable for de Campo. 

“Working on my career goals while training has not only benefited my overall wellbeing but is an essential requirement.
“Everyone has a varying degree of balance that they need, I would say I've had very good wellbeing over the past few years due to the balance I have allowed. 

“By being true to my own values, I can be content knowing I have done what I can to be as professional as I can in sport without sacrificing my overall wellbeing.

De Campo is using his balancing act as a tool to capatilising on career longevity. 

“Longevity is a really important concept to me, it's about flourishing for as long as it takes for you to become good at what you do, especially for a sport like cross country skiing where the best athletes peak in their late 20s,” he explained. 

“My balance allows me to keep training well, keep having fun and gives me the chance to take an Olympic Medal by the prime age of 31.”
