NSTC Park is open to the public and accommodates a broad range of jumping ability from beginner to advanced.
The NSTC Park includes the Small 13ft, Medium 23ft, Large 39ft and XLarge 55ft jumps.
You must be a financial member to book online. If you are a non-finiancial member you may register on site (subject to availability) for $85 for community sessions only (you must have an active SnowID to register, i.e a NSTC Visitor Access Membership).
Session Prices
Progression from Small jump / Medium jump / Large Jump and XL jump must to be approved by NSTC staff.
Riders must be able to show skills on: Approach, Take-off, Manoeuvre and Landing - A.T.M.L. Through out the jump phases.
Skills required are; Stance & Balance - Edging, Rotation and Pressure control.
Riders are required to show consistent control and distance while clearing the RED Knuckle Line before approval will be granted.
To be eligible to access the XL (55ft+) Jump you must complete at least one full 2.5hr session using the Large (39ft) jump safely and be approved by staff.
Please collect the correct idenfication from NSTC staff prior to jumping or progressiong to new jumps.
Athletes and Coaches require permission prior to the day from the NSTC for coaching on site during Community sessions.
Insurance / Membership and Names of athletes -
Relevant accreditations (Minimum APSI level 2 + Snow Australia Level One Coach Accreditation or equivalent)
Must be supplied with reservation requests.
Reservations will be confirmed 7-days in advanced to provide equal opportunity for coaches and athletes.
There is limit to the number of sessions that can be requested for Community Coaching access and areas may be restricted.
A $20 fee per athlete is associated with coaching on site during Community Sessions. This payable by the coach. Max. 4 athletes permitted with coach.
Lanky Bear - Wax for Airbag
Lanky Bear is partnering with the NSTC to supply the best wax for athletes and guests for Airbag use.
Lanky Bear is the eco-friendly wax that does not compromise performance - 0% paraffin wax, 0% toxic fluorocarbons and 0% preservatives (also available for snow use).
Waxing on site by the public is no longer available. NSTC staff (if available) may be able to assist with application.
Equipment will be inspected for any unknown excess wax and removed.
Please do not use candle wax as is creates unsafe contaminate on the bags.
Options for purchase - Block = $30 / Single session application (by NSTC staff, if available) = $10
NSTC Park Induction Video |
Facebook: @NSTCAus Instagram: @NSTCAUS Email: nstc@snow.org.au |