Athlete and Female Representation Amongst Key Outcomes from NDC Review

Snow Australia has routinely reviewed the role and effectiveness of the National Discipline Committees (NDC’s) against the backdrop of a changing sport and community landscape. One of the key issues that emerged was a need (in some NDC’s) to drastically improve gender diversity on the NDC’s, prompting a targeted approach to increase female membership, aiming for a minimum of 40% representation of each gender by 2026.
Alpine Cross Country Freestyle Snowboard PandP

ANC starts with a bang at Hotham

The Australia New Zealand Cup is an important competition which not only provides top level racing during the domestic sesaon but also provides an opportunity for athletes to potentially advance to racing on the world stage.
Futures Snowboard Alpine

Alpine program putting boots on the ground

An important but often unnoticed element of the national alpine program is the interaction between Snow Australia and racing clubs around the country, which forms a critical connection in the athlete pathway.

National Volunteer Week | Mike Gould

As Athletics Director for Falls Creek Race Club, Mike Gould is the one many look to for answers as the competitive season ramps up. Not only must he ensure the club is operating to best practice at all times, he also takes a hands-on role throughout the calendar year, developing program plans for the season as well as sitting on a variety of discipline specific working groups.
Volunteer Alpine